Effective Account-Based Marketing (ABM) relies on solving the "Targeting Equation" — intersection of relevant audience, messaging and experience.
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Account-Based Marketing (ABM) hinges on a simple principle: effectiveness is rooted in targeting the right accounts with the right message.
I recently came across a blog by Demandbase titled, “Why Your ABM Is Only as Good as Your Target Account List.”
It struck a chord because it emphasizes a fundamental truth in ABM — success comes from solving what I call the "Targeting Equation."
The "Targeting Equation" is made up of two crucial parts:
When these two sides align, you earn the right to start a conversation with your target accounts.
The first part of the equation is knowing exactly who you’re targeting. This is more than just compiling a generic list of companies. It's about creating a strategic Target Account List - cohort of companies where we have the best odds of winning.
It flows downstream from there:
An ABM program is only as strong as the accuracy and depth of its targeting.
Without this, even the best messaging will fall flat.
Once you've nailed down your audience, it’s time to think about your message and how to deliver it. The message isn’t about what you can do, but the outcome your target accounts care about.
Focus on:
In ABM, the core job is simple but profound: solve the "Targeting Equation." Align your audience and your messaging in a way that makes sense for your accounts. Do this well, and you’ll create meaningful conversations, build stronger relationships, and ultimately, drive better results. ABM success isn’t just about marketing—it’s about solving for precision targeting.